Yoga and Meditation.

Hatha Yoga

Great for beginners or novice yogi’s

Hatha yoga is a gentle yoga style with focus on alignment and both physical and mental benefits of the poses ( asanas ) yet can still be physically and mentally challenging .

Slower movement linking the breath (pranayama) with body alignment,

As with all disciplines of yoga the benefits of a young practice are vast, with poses helping to build flexibility and strength in the body while learning to still the mind and be present in the moment.

Yoga for the stages of Menopause

Vinyasa Flow

More moment intensive often to music. Smooth transitions from pose to pose, linking the breath ( pranayama ) with movement.

This style of yoga is great for working up a sweat as Vinyasa is more dynamic and has a focus on building heat in the body

Challenging but also with choices and space to modify to your own level .

No two classes are ever alike,

Restorative Yoga

A delicious way to deeply




the mind and body using bolsters, props and blankets etc to hold us in passive and supported poses without having to exert any effort, holding and luxuriating in stretches or restful poses for as long as 10 minutes

The aim of this yoga is to completely relax and let go

More rejuvenating than a nap and helps to release deep tension passively.

Yoga for the Stages of Menopause

Coming up to and during Peri menopause through to post menopausal, women experience different stressors on their bodies and with this in mind I decided to create a calming supporting yoga practice using gentle yoga restorative poses to help give yourself permission, to move and rest with ease and pleasure in your body. allowing you to destress , feel some relief from fatigue, finding and experiencing new ways to breath through some of the many emotions possibly experienced and learning to be kinder to yourself and not to be constantly demanding too much from the body and mind but instead to slow down and experience freedom from overwhelm

What to expect in our 2 hour sessions

A wonderfully slow relaxed class using both restorative and yin yoga asanas

followed by a short break and guided meditation

Yin Yoga

Slow paced passive practice designed to help you find stillness and cool the body.

Mostly long, seated forward bending or lying poses focusing on the hips, pelvis and lower back, where you hold each pose for several minutes, giving the time to feel and observe your alignment, restore energy and calm the nervous system.

Learning how to breath through “comfortable discomfort” and sit with your thoughts and surrender.