Womens gratitude sharing circle 

Join us for an evening dedicated to you 

Your saying YES to connection with other women

YES to time for yourself to be among other women supporting and sharing 

YES to personal development 

Give yourself the gift of time and space you want for self care sharing and support.

Receive comfort and relaxation with meditation, breathwork 

Share experiences and feel the magic and power of gathering together - of being a woman with women 

Activate your joy connectivity and gratitude, nourish your body mind and spirit by attending our small group gathering 

In a world where we women are often led to compete, compare and lose ourselves in the daily tasks of caring / rearing / nurturing / working - 

it can be greatly healing for mental and physical wellbeing to receive support, validation, gratitude

and feel honoured by other women 

In our Sisterhood we harness the energy encouragement and wisdom from our Womens circle just as women have been doing since the dawn of time 

This gathering takes place from 

7.00 pm until 10.00 pm ( 3 hours ) 

Including a beautiful journal to begin your journaling journey and to take home with you and continue on as you wish 

We will arrive from 6.40 pm to settle in and have a cuppa 

  • 7.00pm Opening of our circle 

  • Setting our intentions 

  • Group sharing of our thoughts, experiences, and gratitude, - no set topic, we just allow a flow without comment or judgement and if you decide not to share that’s perfect too

  • Journaling and gratitude 

  • Meditation - learn how to rest deeply, restore and find that sometimes elusive ability to sleep 

  • Closing of our circle and home time 

Investment in the evening including  your beautiful new journal € 37.00 Book now 

€ 29.00 if you already have / don’t need a journal.

Just enter the code ‘WOJ1‘ in the “packages, gift, or coupon” tab and hit ‘Apply’ for an €8 discount.