TRX Training.

Suspension Training.

The TRX provides the ideal blend of support and freedom of moment to train strength, endurance, balance, coordination, flexibility, power and core stability all at once and across a wide range of intensity. Get your heart racing, your muscles burning and improve range of motion.

Suitable for all ages and ability as the straps and exercises can be adjusted for beginners.

Not suitable for people suffering from injuries.

Phenomenal exercise, using your own bodyweight as resistance against gravity to engage muscles you didn’t even know you had, the TRX is performed using straps suspended from a frame, activating your entire body.

This class develops strength, balance, and the core is constantly engaged with each exercise, building functional muscle with a cardiovascular element included.

Ideal for those who are looking to lose weight, tone up and build lean muscle.

These classes are fun, the music keeps pumping and we aim to keep everyone motivated and engaged. No two classes are the same !!